What Does a Wedding Cost?

By: Jon TiggesWhat can I expect my wedding to cost, and oh wait, why is it so expensive?  Is there a way I can get my dream wedding without reeling from sticker shock?  Learn how to manage your wedding budget and take control of your costs by exploring how your guest list, your location, and those pesky hidden fees can …

Five Problems with Wedding Planning and Design

For most people, wedding planning is a complete unknown. After all, you have never done it before! There are tons of resources to get you started online or maybe you have decided to use a professional wedding planner to walk you through it. Below are the top five questions you might have about wedding planning and design and some helpful …

5 Problems when Booking a Wedding Photographer

1) What is their pricing and availability?Why are some of the most obvious things not up front and easy to figure out? The first step in booking a wedding photographer, assuming you like their work, is trying to see if they’re available and within budget. Not every photographer has pricing and availability up front. Maybe it is dependent upon where …